Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AboutDataAboutData of Silence
AbstractContentChangeAn abstract base for changes in the contents of the nodes
AbstractContentViewAn interface for widgets to display and edit the content of the nodes
AbstractDataStoreAn abstract class for the persistence backend
AbstractNodeContentAn abstract base for the Node contents
AddImageA widget to add images
AddTableA wiedget to add tables
ContentViewThe central widget of the MainWindow
ControllerProvides access to various parts of the application
EditMenuContains the actions related to editing the content of the nodes
FilterModelA model to filter the nodes
InfoSidebarSidebar to show informations about a node
InputWidgetA input widget
LabelThe basis of the hierarchical labels
LabelListA widget for the SearchNodeSidebar
LabelManagementDialogA dialog to manage the labels
LabelModelA tree modle for the hierarchical Label structure
LabelWidgetA widget to select labels
ListProxyModelA proxy model from tree to list
ListUtilsUtils for Lists
MainWindowThe main window of Silence
NavigationSidebarHelps navigating through the Nodes
NewLinkDialogA dialog to create a link
NewNodeDialogA dialog to create a new node
NodeThe basis of the data structure
NodeIdA id for the Node
NodeMenuConsists of actions related to the nodes
NodePropertyWidgetA sidebar to edit informations of a node
NotificationBoxInform the user about unsaved nodes
RichTextEditA widget to show and edit rich text
RichTextNodeContentA content with formatted text for the Node
RtfContentChangeA class to store changes of the RichTextNodeContent
RtfEditA widget to edit RTF text
SearchNodeOptionsA widget for the SearchNodeSidebar
SearchNodeSidebarA sidebar to search for nodes
SilenceMenuThe main menu of the application
StatusBarThe statusbar for the MainWindow
SyntaxBoxA widget to select a syntax
TextContentChangeA class to store changes of the TextNodeContent
TextEditA widget to show and edit text
TextFindA find and replace widget
TextNodeContentA text content with syntax informations for the Node
TreeModelA tree model for the nodes
TreeViewA sidebar to manage the nodes in a tree structure
ViewMenuConsists of actions to show/hide various sidebars and views
WelcomeViewA widget which contains some informations about Silence
XmlDataStoreA xml based persistence backend
Generated on Fri May 14 19:12:50 2010 for Silence by  doxygen 1.6.3